After using these wipes, my skin feels soft and clean. I am happy to report that I did not feel oily or greasy after using these wipes. I did not feel the need to wash my face off with water due to reside left behind by the wipe, unlike other brands.
I was also excited to give these Neutrogena Natural wipes a try because it is Earth Month this month! I joined Neutrogena's #WipeForWater challenge and pledged not to use water to wash my face for 3 days! I am now at the end of those 3 days, but I will continue to use these wipes in lieu of traditional wash and water! With each day of using just the wipes, my face actually began to feel softer. I also loved how easy it was to just grab a wipe and go rather than having to stand by the sink splashing water EVERYWHERE!
For each pledge made to the #WipeForWater challenge, Neutrogena Naturals will contribute $1 to The Nature Conservancy to support water conservation! What a great cause! I urge you to also pledge and join the #WipeForWater movement at #contest
**I received this product complimentary for testing purposes**
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