Thursday, June 26, 2014


As mentioned in previous blog posts, I received in my #GoVoxBox from Influenster two complimentary products from #GoProFoot to try out.  As usual, all opinions are my own.

I loved both of the PROFOOT products that were included in the #GoVoxBox: Pedi-Rock and Triad Orthotic Insoles.  The pedi-rock came in handy when giving myself a pedicure!  I loved how smooth it left my feet feeling!  The only downfall was the inconvenient shape of the product that was supposed to enhance its utility.  I would have to disagree with the creators of this design.  However, besides that one fault, I loved this product and will continue to use it in the future!

I also loved the Triad Orthotic Insoles.  I decided to put them in my sneakers that I go hiking in.  They made my sneakers more comfortable and added support to minimize damage to my feet.  I love how these feel in my sneakers and will also continue to use this product.

Overall, both products were great and I will continue to buy products by this brand!

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